Monday, April 30, 2007

The great 1942 flood (b)

Obviously, I don't know who these people are. But down the street - where there is a tree in the side yard - is that 232 Washington Street just beyond the tree?


Anonymous said...

Yes that is 232 Washington St beyond the tree. The house before the tree belonged to the Fleagle's.

terry said...

Hi, Joe! Welcome to the blog. Your input on any and all of these pics is greatly appreciated. One thing has been established - my memory is the less reliable than anyone else in the clan.

I have a question about that tree - was it still there when you folks were living in 232? I don't remember it at all.

Anonymous said...

No, there was no pine tree there then. Next door (where Joe mentioned the Fleagles lived) a spruce tree was planted around 1960 or so. I have an old photo of 232 and 234 in the real old days, without front porches! It is in a frame.