Monday, March 30, 2009

Let It Snow!

Oh my, but I do miss Berks County winters. Of course, I never had to drive around in them, or work in them. I'm guessing this is the backyard of 232. But if the house is to the left of this pic, then that's the 234 backyard in the background, and it doesn't look familiar to me.

Grandpa Ludwig

A great photo, and a well-preserved one as well. Almost no enhancement was needed.

Grammy's Birthday - 1957

I'm pretty sure this is 232. The color had really faded in this one - especially the greens and blues. We'll show a "before" and "after" for the next pic.

By the car

Hey, I recognize that building in the background. Not the car, though. The "as is" version of this photo is below. Very little green and blue. The balance has been restored above, but the pic just seems to need more color overall. I'll have to play some more with it in Paint Shop Pro.