Saturday, February 24, 2007

Diving (a)

Four pics - probably from the 30's and probably somewhere in Hamburg. This has a "feel" of a high school swimming pool, as opposed to a public one.

Diving (b)

Dad apparently took photos from both sides of the pool. So here, the diving boards are to the left, opposite of the previous pic.

Diving (c)

Another picture that shows the town in the background. Whoever the diver is, he's good.

Diving (d)

Last of the diving pics, showing some vintage autos in the background that might help date these photos. I don't think the diver is my Dad, although I think he may have been on the swim team in high school.

Monday, February 19, 2007

more 30's pics (a)

I don't recognize anyone in this photo.

more 30's pics (b)

From the same picnic. Is that Grace at the far end of the picnic spread? And if so, was her name 'Grace' or 'Babe'. I thought I knew her as 'Aunt Babe', but everyone else in comments here calls her 'Grace'.

more 30's pics (c)

I don't know who this is either, but I feel his pain. There are some vintage autos in this pic.

more 30's pics (d)

The last pic from this set. This was with the 'Schlenker's' pics, if that helps date this photo and help ID the guy. One of Dad's post-high-school buddies, perhaps? He definitely has a "Fonzerelli" look to him. I keep expecting to see a pack of Lucky Strikes in his shirt sleeve.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

New Hope (a)

We're off on a bus trip to New Hope, presumably someplace in Pennsylvania. That's Dick and Betty Laudenslager in the foreground. Mom's in the back towards the right, with sunglasses.

New Hope (b)

Mom getting her camera out. I have absolutely no recollection of this place or trip, so I'm assuming we kids got to skip the outing. Just as well, since it looks like a touristy shopping mecca. For instance, that building in the background...

New Hope (c) better seen here. Quaint, but I definitely get the feeling this is a tourist shop.

New Hope (d)

Another shop. The guy in this pic is dressed in shorts, so I'm guessing it was summertime.

New Hope (e)

And still more shops. Yes folks, it was better for all concerned that I skipped this trip. I would've had fun for about 20 minutes snapping some pics. Then I would've been bored stiff, and whiny and obnoxious.

New Hope (f)

Well okay, I could've stopped my whining for a little while, if you let me take a ride on the train. The sign on the front of the engine reads, "New Hope & Ivyland", so I know this pic belongs in this group of slides.

New Hope (g)

Well, it wasn't all shopping. They took in a play as well. Hmmm. I don't know what play this is, but it looks like it was long on the dialogue and short on the action. Not the sort of cultural experience a teenage boy wants to sit thru.

New Hope (h)

These last two slides are "iffy" whether they belong to the New Hope trip. Here's a nice picturesque stream that certainly looks touristy. And the sky seems to match the other pics.

New Hope (i)

And this anchor pic was with the New Hope slides, but the buildings in the background aren't in the same style. Mayhaps the anchor is from the USS Pennsylvania?

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Easter Pics (a)

Mom lists this as Tom & Nancy, but I'm pretty certain that this is Sheri and me. I do vaguely remember this place - mostly cuz it "proved" to me that the Easter Bunny really did exist. Other than that, I don't recall if we actually got to buy and eat some chocolate there. Nor do I know where the Oley Road is.

Easter Pics (b)

Now this is Tom and Nancy. Mr. E. Bunny didn't age much from this pic (in 1950) to when Sheri and I met him (previous pic).

Easter Pics (c)

This is from the same outing. Its May and everyone's bundled up like it was winter. Does it still get cold enuf for a jacket on a May afternoon in Berks County? Or has global warming made that a thing of the past?
BTW, I'm pretty sure Dick Laudenslager took this pic, because...

Easter Pics (d)'s a picture of Dickie and Sherrill Laudenslager with Mr. Bunny from the same outing. Bundled up like it was winter in northern Minnesota.

Easter Pics (e)

Dad returns the favor, and takes a photo of the Laudenslager family in 1950.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

unknown place (a)

Here's a new set of pics to try to ID. An unknown place with unknown people. Probably taken in the late 1930's. The quality of the photos is poor. I've enhanced them as best I could, but good luck to anyone trying to ID these two ladies.

unknown place (b)

Here's a somewhat better pic of the place. some college near to Hamburg perhaps? that's an awesome car in the foreground.

unknown place (c)

presumably in front of the building in the previous pics. the couple here may or may not be someone my dad knew.

unknown place (d)

a nice house. i think it's at the same place as the previous pics, so it may not be a private residence.

unknown place (e)

again, i think he was just playing around with a new camera. hence the technical info written across each of these pics.

unknown place (f)

last pic of this outing. i don't recognize the lady is on the steps, and unfortunately, the pic is quite washed out.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Unknown Construction (a)

Here's a pair of pictures that are a mystery to me. Where is this site? When were the pictures taken? Why did my Dad have an interest in the slab being poured? And what was the building that was eventually constructed?

Unknown Construction (b)

The houses in the background remind me of Hamburg, although I suppose it could be Reading too. I don't think it is Lenhartsville or Riverview Park.
This was from one of Dad's slides, so that (and the cars in the pics) makes me think its from the 1960's.
But I don't recognize the hill in the background, and I can't imagine what interest Dad would have in a cement slab. FWIW, there weren't any pictures of the finished building with these two slides, which adds to the mystery of why he'd have kept these two images.