Monday, June 26, 2006

JFL - 2

Well, I've scanned all of Dad's slides from this gathering, so here they are.

JFL - 3

There's no doubt what's being played here - Pinochle. Three-handed, I think.

JFL - 4

Dad caught Grammy with a strange look on her face.

JFL - 5

John, Hazel, Grammy, and Dad. I don't recall Uncle Bob and Babe coming to these get-togethers often.

JFL - 6

This slide was badly underexposed cuz of the brightness in the upper right. I've enhanced as much as I dare.

JFL - 07

I don't think this pic belongs with the JFL group, but it was in there, so here it is. Is that Mohammed in the back? Is this Mom? Aunt Doris?

JFL - 8

I still don't have a clue who the guy on the left is. Some cool vintage autos in the background.

JFL - 9

Ah yes, eating. Another fine Ludwig tradition. I think, in the background, that's Mark & Sheila. If so, that may help date this set of pics.

JFL - 10

Double-deck, 4-handed Pinochle. Ludwig bidding system. Add up your meld, divide by two, and add it to 40. Uncle John and Jim on the far side. Sheri maybe in the foreground? Oh, and I recognize that brown juice jug on the far left.

JFL - 11

A spirited Stratego game. Joe Barr on the right, and Yours Truly on the left.

JFL - 12

I'm drawing a total blank on this lady.

JFL - 13

Oh this is a painful photo. I think that's me in the background on the left. Giving unwanted advice (to Mick perhaps?) on how to beat Tim in Stratego. I'm setting quite the fashion standard here.

JFL - 14

This is an awesome pic by Dad. But I don't think it goes with the JFL outing. The shirt doesn't match with anyone in the other pics. Perhaps this is Dick Laudenslager?

JFL - 15 (final)

Last pic from the JFL outing. Uncle John on stilts and smoking a ciggy. I didn't remember him (or any other Ludwig for that matter) as being a smoker. It was a different era. JFL Pic #1 is a couple pics farther down this blog.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Tom and ??

The previous page in the green album was dated 07/11/42, so this is probably from about that time as well. The baby is Tom; the location is the porch of Grammy & Grandpa Gerber; but who is the boy holding Tom?

Tom - 04/26/42

This page in the green album was dated 26 April 1942. Earliest shots of Tom were in February '42. There's baby pics of Nancy as well in the album, but I haven't gotten that far yet.

Old Photos - dog

From the old green photo album. Is this Smokey? Pic was probably taken in 1942, but I;m not sure of the location, nor of who is in the background. This was a 1"x1.5" pic.

"JFL" - 1

Dad had this one in a "JFL" group of slides. Which I'm guessing stood for Uncle John. Some sort of Ludwig get-together, I suppose. I don't know who the lady is to the right of Grammy, and I don't know who the man is in the upper right. I also don't know the year.

Sheri & Mo

From 1963 or 1964, I think. I'm basing that on thinking we got Mo when I was in Junior High.

We can do slides!

Pic is of Mohammed as a pup and Richard Hoffmann. This was taken off of a slide. Colors have been enhanced and scratches auto-removed. But it needs further work, including cropping. See image below for how the slide image actually looks.

Original Image - Mo & Hoff

Here's what the image looks like directly off the slide. I removed a layer of grime from it manually. But the colors have faded over 40 years. I think this was taken sometime in 1963-65.