Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Even Older Pics (b)

...and this is after a little bit of enhancement. Grandpa was good about giving notes about what/where/when below a lot of these pics. I've chosen to incorporate that text into the image itself. Hope that's okay by everyone. Alas, Grandpa almost never added the "who" to his notes.

A couple comments about this pic. The event was called the "King Frost Carnival" (as opposed to the present-day King Frost Parade). The band's name on the drum is something like "O.J.I.A.N's Band". It was based in Hamburg. It was established in... well, I can't quite make that out.

The sign in the upper-left spells "Impliments" (sic) wrong. Curiously, the smaller sign just below it spells it correctly. So I'm wondering if "impliments" isn't the Pennsylvania Dutch spelling of the word.

I'm not too sure what the "booth" is right behind the band, but it sells stoves.

I never would have dreamed that the King Frost celebration went back a full century.

More pics to follow as I get them scanned. Thanks, Janet!!

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