Wednesday, June 27, 2007

96. Sanitoga Lake

Here's one for those of you who are familiar with Pottstown. Grandpa labeled this "Sanitoga Lake". I kept trying to rationalize it into being "Saratoga Lake" instead, but can't quite do it. So..... is there a "Sanitoga Lake" near Pottstown?

Anyway, it's a great pic - one of the few with no people in it. It was taken in 1907 and everything's pretty much in focus. Which makes me now wonder about the Ludwig Farm photo. Maybe that one's lack-of-focus is not due to the limitations of the camera.


Anonymous said...

Exact same view can be found at
under 'boat landing' photo. Looks like same year maybe a little later into spring. Some history there, as well. mick.......

terry said...

I like that website! He's bringing to life some old, old memories as well. I notice he lists a "Ringing Rocks Park" as one of the "other places yet to be researched". I'm guessing that means that park no lobger exists.