Sunday, December 31, 2006

bungalow pics (e)

Hmmm, I don't have any idea who this is.


Anonymous said...

This is the east and north sides of Bungalow. I am pretty sure that is "Fish" Bear. He and his wife were friends of Grammy & Grandpa. He was an excellent carpenter and helped build the Bungalow and garage. They lived in Hamburg on State St. When first built, the Bungalow had porch on only 2 sides. The L projecting at far left is the south side porch. It was soon extended along the east side. The north never got a porch. That's the path to the outhouse that Fish is standing on. Janet...

terry said...

Ellen remembers this man as "Bear" also. I'm happy its someone before my time. I was afraid it was a relative, and I would be embarrassed for not recognizing him.