Monday, December 11, 2006

Lititz - 1950 (a)

Ah! Fourth of July at Lititz! Pleasant memories from the distant past. Although these pics are from 1950, so I wasn't quite born yet.


Anonymous said...

Grammy, Hazel and Doris in background, and probably John, John, Jim and Ellen at table. Janet...

Anonymous said...

Hi Janet! Welcome to the world of blogs! Hope you enjoyed the pics here. Many thanks for comments, identifications, and question; I'll do my best to answer the latter. One quick answer re "burning the photos (to CD)" : I'd never physically burn them; too many wonderful memories contained therein. :-) "Burning to a CD" means putting them on a CD and sending the CD to people. There's about 800-900 images total, which fill up about 25% of one CD. So if you (or anyone else) ever want the complete set, e-mail me your address and I'm happy to send you the CD.

Re this picture, Ellen thinks the boy might be Tom. I can't tell. I'm lousy at ID-ing these pics.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a million, Terry, for doing this with all those great old pix. It has provided hours of pleasure, and I am glad I am able to ID so many. This is not the bungalow, by the way. It could be at Bob's summer place, or someone not in the family. I don't recognize it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, now I see the heading - Lititz. Well, I remember going there once or twice. What a nice park. I think I had a summer job in 1950, so probably wasn't on this picnic.