Tuesday, December 26, 2006

30's Picnic (a)

Another page from my Dad's 1930's photo album. A nice shot, but kudos to anyone who can ID everyone here. That's Grandpa Ludwig on the far left. Uncle Charlie (I think) in the swimming trunks. and I'm pretty sure I see Aunt Hazel sitting (in the center, back). That leaves about 13 others. Remember, you can left-click on this image to see a larger version.
Update from Ellen : Don't you just love my father's swimming outfit? It's curious that he was the only one dressed that way. That's Uncle Bob on the right making the muscle pose, and I think its Aunt Grace seated second from the right. Grammy is next to Grandpa at the left. I think Janet is on the lap next to Grammy. The woman in black with the hat may be Mrs. Carrie Seiders, a friend, and her daughter Nooks may be in front of my mother.

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