Sunday, March 18, 2007

Pittsburgh Trip - 1955 (a)

A couple of photos from the family vacation & visit to Uncle John & Aunt Doris, who were living in Pittsburgh in 1955. Actually, a suburb of Pittsburgh, whose name I've forgotten ATM. This is at a rest stop along the way.

We had this car - a Dodge station wagon - for quite some time. Eventually, I think Tom got it as a graduation present, after he got out of Lehigh. IIRC, he drove it across the country, taking the scenic tour. I think he went to Mt. Rushmore, among other places. When he finally made it to his final destination (San Diego), the car went about another 20 miles, then gave up the ghost.


Anonymous said...

They lived in McKeesport, PA.
I love the story about the station wagon. There was a car that knew its destiny. Great material for a country music song! Janet

terry said...

(chuckles) to make it as a c&w song, Tom would have had to have been drunk, and have just gotten out of prison. :-)

Anonymous said...

OK, and the second verse is about this old dog that went along for the trip, and then lived in the car forever after.