Grandpa lists this as being taken at Lorane, Pennsylvania. Which can be found on Google Earth. Down to the southeast of Reading IIRC. Based on other photos still to come, I'm guessing Lorane may have been where Sally and Ed Kressley lived.
Awesome photo, Grandpa! You were born a hundred years too soon.
Yes, Lorane is below Reading. I think Aunt Sallie was a widow by the time she lived there. Ellen taught in a school there some years ago.
Yes, I can imagine Grandpa sitting at a computer and finding it fascinating, and he'd have the latest digital camera too. And he'd no doubt play pinochle on the computer - and win.
There's one photo coming up that was labeled "Lorane" and Grandpa noted that it was Ed and Sallie Kressley. So maybe Ed did live there at least for a bit.
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