I'm thinking Grammy is in the front, fourth from the right, maybe holding Bob. Or maybe she's the lady in front, on the very left, although I think that's less likely. The lady on the far right in the front again has a nice smile for the photo. And Grandpa's 'drinking buddy' is in the back row, fourth from the left.
It appears that woman at front left is same as the one on right in 17 (5 at reservoir) -= still maybe looks older than 24.
John Ludwig
I think it is Aunt Edna, and I believe she was a few years older. Grammy is holding Bob, and Hazel is the one in center front, with white hair ribbon. I recognize the handsome guy with the moustache from the S. 4th St. photo, but don't know who he is. I like the woman on the left, wish I'd known her.
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