The layout is now on a platform, not the floor. He's added a Christmasy curtain to hide the platform. And if you go back and look at the pictures of Bob and Hazel from the earlier photo album, you'll see this drapery in some of those pics.
I like the clock on the wall in the background. I think my dad eventually inherited that. Christmas drapery hangs down from the clock-shelf too. Liz, who spends a week decorating our house at Christmas, would completely approve the effort made to make this room feel "in a Holiday decor".
We've got more pictures on the walls. Four of them. Left to right, they appear to be :
a. A portrtait of Grammy and their two children at the time.
b. Unknown.
c. What looks to be a photo of Grandpa and Grammy.
d. A "store-bought" picture - maybe out in the country.
Four more "Christmas layout" pics to follow next time. I'll be posting and numbering these in the order they appear in the album, although they won't be totally in the same order since I'll be posting them in groups. There are just over 100 photos in this album, so get comfortable. :-)
I have the picture of Grammy and Grandpa that is to the right of the tree. I think it is their wedding photo. It is even in the same frame, hanging in my bedroom.
oh kewl! at least one of their wall-pictures is still in existence. i wish the rest were still around.
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