Janet, is the bearded gentleman in the center foreground my great-grandfather, Mandon 'Poppy' Ludwig?
Neither little girl matches up year-wise to be Hazel. I wonder if this is a collection of relatives. If so, from whose side of the family?
Memories from a bygone time...
Yes, I'm 99% sure that is Poppy Ludwig. I seem to recall that Grammy said he lived with them for a time when they were on S. 4th St. The pretty dark-haired lady next to Grammy is Aunt Salleie, and I think the 2 girls are Mots and Evie, her daughters. I am not sure of the rest, but there may be Maurers in there (Grammy's sister Edna & family) and I wonder if the handsome man on the right is Ben Kressley. But I think he may have been dead by then. Where are Hazel and Kermit (Aunt Sallie's son) - maybe taking naps. Not sure if Kermit was younger than the girls.
The two men on the extreme left and right sure do look like they're related. and the lady second from the right looks a lot like Grammy. So I think it could well be her sister.
What's the relationship between Ed Kressley and Benjamin Kressley? There's a picture of a little boy coming up soon, where Grandpa had written "Benj. Kressley's..." in the margin. Alas, I couldn't make out whatever else it said.
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