Four ladies. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that Grammy is the second from the left. If so, this is the first time I have a visual image of her as a young woman.
I think this is a "fun" pic. The ladies are dressed up as guys. With hats, cute bow ties, and at least one watch fob. Probably in the backyard, although I find it strange that they let wooden furniture just sit out in the snow. I'd say that they were doing Charlie Chaplin impressions, but 1909 would seem to be before he was starring in movies.
The three ladies are obviously friends of Grammy's. Hats off to anyone who has any idea who they are.
Yes, that's Grammy, and Aunt Sallie is the one on the right. Don't know the other two. The furniture puzzles me too - they wouldn't have mistreated their belongings that way. But chickens were killed and cleaned in backyards all the time - maybe that chair is where the chicken-plucker sat?
wow! i hadn't thought of Aunt Sallie being in the photo, but that is her face.
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