Monday, October 01, 2007

Fairmount Park (a)

Sorry for the medical delay. The three old photo albums and assorted pictures from Janet are now all posted. So it's back to some of my Dad's shots.


Anonymous said...

Fairmount Park is on the Schuylkill in northwest Philadelphia. These small Sailfish sailboats were popular back in the late '60s / early '70s. The park's more enduring watercraft are the rowing shells on boathouse row. mick.........

terry said...

yeah, i googled "Fairmount Park Pennsylvania" and found its website. i vaguely recall being there once or twice, but i still have no recollection of these saiboats.

i really like this particular shot. pine branches frame the bottom and sides of the photo; the bridge grabs the eyes immediately; and then the 9 or 10 sailboats in the center of the pic grab the attention. the balance in the pic is incredible.