Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Sheri's Confirmation

At Rosedale UCC. Reverend Goff (sp?) is the pastor, I think. Okay, Sheri, how many others can you name?


Anonymous said...

Yes, this is a picture of my confirmation class. The minister is Rev. Groff. The girls (left to right): unknown, unknown, unknown, Debra Angstadt, Patricia Weaver, unknown, Eileen Wagonseller, and me. The guys: I don't recognize any of these guys. The 6th from the left in the middle row might be Michael Anderson, but I'm not sure. I think I have the official photographers picture with a list of names in a box on a high shelf in my basement. When I have time, I'll dig it out.


Anonymous said...

a couple guesses on my part... second row, fourth from right is probably Michael Dutt. From either your school class or a year younger. He was a good kickoff-returner on the football team, despite being an underclassman. Don't ask me why I remember that.
Second row, second from right is (I think) Barry Gilmore, son of a rich Doctor Gilmore. I don't remember him going to our church, but that's a spitting image of him.
Third row, fourth from right is (I think) Glenn Levan, who I think was in my school class.

We'll see how well we both did on identifying these when you dig out the official pic. Of the girls, the only one (besides you) that I recognized was Debbie Angstadt. Primarily because her dad was the head of the Reading Chess Club where I played.