There's a whole bunch of people in this photo. Don't worry too much about identifying them - we'll get a closer-up picture in a bit.
BTW, I suspect Grandpa took this photo the same day as the King Frost Carnival pics. Cuz if you look closely (by enlarging the image), you'll see a jack-o-lantern on the pillar to the left of the steps going onto the front porch. And several American flags off to the right.
Yes, a really great-looking old house. Comments in a later picture. They didn't live there, but knew someone who did. Photo (b) is the back entrance. The house in the background still looks the same today! I think that's Grandpa at top left. I am puzzled by the box too, unless it actually could hold water, a was there for pets (like that cute little dog) to drink out of. But I doubt it.
Oh wow, that house in the background is still standing? How kewl is that?
The man in the top left does resemble Grandpa. I wonder if he put the camera on a tripod, or just had someone else take the picture. I like his hat!
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