I wonder where Grandpa's taking these pictures from, and how did he get there? By rowboat, perhaps? The water seems to be swift-moving. And I counted the steps to the Gerber's front porch in one of the old pics - there were six of them. So this is pretty deep water, since it's essentially up to the porches.
Doris says: That is Charles' car. He always parked it in the lot across the street from the Ludwig home. The flood was the result of heavy rains, 2 streams through the town, and people throwing a lot of trash into the streams. When it rained, the culverts jammed with all the trash, causing the flood. This water level only lasted less than 1 day.
I had no idea that was Dad's car. How long did he have it? This is 1942. And (I think) I remember sitting in a big, blue car while he was buying the 1956 green-&-white Dodge station wagon. One of my earliest memories, and I don't think we were in the car in this pic.
BTW, that's a picnic table floating away in the foreground. Er, "forewater", I s'pose.
I remember that car (or one like it) being up on blocks for the duration of the war, out in the garage at the bungalow. You couldn't get tires or gasoline, so the cars were put away until you could.
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