This is from the same outing. Its May and everyone's bundled up like it was winter. Does it still get cold enuf for a jacket on a May afternoon in Berks County? Or has global warming made that a thing of the past?
BTW, I'm pretty sure Dick Laudenslager took this pic, because...
Why would this be in May, when Easter is always in March or April? And it is often cold at Easter time - sometimes even snows. It can also be quite hot. Spring is tricky.
P.S. I'm not sure I'm doing this comment stuff right, but I hope so.
It might not have been Easter. Was this candy store open year 'round?
Mom's note on the back of the photo said this was May 1950. I know it's warmer now than 50 years ago, but I don't ever recall having to be bundled up like this in May in Reading.
OK, I assumed it was an Easter outing because of the big bunny. It can be very cool in May, I can recall some snow flurries in that month. I have no idea where this candy shop is. It says Oley Road, and that's a part of the county I didn't get to very often. There's an Easter basket in the window, and the trees are still bare. So I'd guess early May, and they don't change their window display very often. Too busy making chocolate.
Hmmm. Bare trees in May? Again, that's nit the way I remember the climate "way back when". I'm thinking my Mom may have missed the date of these pics by a month or two.
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